About Me
Philosophy and motivation
My philosophy as a coach is to make a difference.
I've experienced what stress can make with one. How challenging life can be. Having high expectations. Wanting to be perfect. Wanting to have the uncontrollable life under control.
Life could have been a lot easier with my coaching experience and mental training tools earlier on.
Motivating me to coach you what really matters to you.
Seeing the big picture.
What do you want to be remembered for?
What hinders you getting there?
Sustainably overcoming it.
Living your true potential.
Shaping a brighter future.

Daring and Caring
Daring, already as a 15 year old, to live for a year in Canada. Being curious about other cultures and ways of thinking.
Daring to be honest when applying for the Global Graduate Program at Audi. Saying openly that I'm caring for people. Being curious about what cars create: emotions.
Ending up working for Audi for 10 years.
Daring to move to a foreign country being pregnant. Curious about getting to know a new culture. Giving birth to our two children, away from the support of our families.
Daring to go my own way in life while being a caring friend, sister, wife and mother.
Daring to really listen to myself going back to work after maternal leave. Deciding to care.
Doing what gives my life sense. What I love to do. Becoming a coach.
Wanting to help you to care about you and to dare to go your way

Qualifications and intercultural experiences
Associate Certified Coach, ICF (International Coaching Federation)
Mental Fitness Coach / PQ Certified Coach (Positive Intelligence)
Certified Mental Training Practitioner (Unestål educatation)
Diplomerad Coach (Coach Companion)
Audi Global Graduate Program, AUDI AG - China and Germany
Product and Project Manager, AUDI AG - Germany
Master of Business Administration and intercultural qualification - Germany (University of Mannheim) and Mexico (TEC de Monterrey)
Double high school degree with honour standing - Canada and Germany